Tutorial Sessions

  • Dec
    December 01, 2024

    Tutorial MT00—Machine Learning in Materials Science—From Basic Concepts to Active Learning

    Sunday, December 1
    8:00 am – 5:00 pm

    Instructors: Austin McDannald, National Institute of Standards and Technology; Brian DeCost, National Institute of Standards and Technology; Gilad Kusne, National Institute of Standards and Technology 

    This tutorial will introduce basic techniques for machine learning and AI, all from a material science perspective.

  • Dec
    December 01, 2024

    Tutorial NM07—Building Advanced Materials via Aggregation and Self-Assembly

    Sunday, December 1
    8:30 am – 4:15 pm

    Instructors: Ben Zhong Tang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen; Nicholas Kotov, University of Michigan; Xiaoding Lou, China University of Geosciences; Xin Zhang, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Haimei Zheng, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Haoke Zhang, Zhejiang University; Qian Chen, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    This tutorial will comprehensively cover a diverse range of topics centered around the construction of advanced materials through aggregation and/or self-assembly, encompassing both experimental and theoretical aspects.

  • Dec
    December 01, 2024

    Tutorial NM04—Exploring the Properties and Applications of Freestanding Membranes—From 2D to 3D

    Sunday, December 1
    9:00 am – 4:00 pm

    Instructors: Nini Pryds, Technical University of Denmark; Ho Nyung Lee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Jeehwan Kim, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Sheng Xu, University of California, San Diego; Jong-Hyun Ahn, Yonsei University

    This tutorial offers a comprehensive overview of recent advancements in the fields of thin films, heterostructures, and membranes, emphasizing complex oxides and nanomembranes, along with their integration into sophisticated electronic systems.

  • Dec
    December 01, 2024

    Tutorial EL02—Advanced Memory and Computing Technologies Based on Phase-Change Materials

    Sunday, December 1
    9:00 am – 4:00 pm

    Instructors: Raffaella Calarco, Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; Elisa Petroni, STMicroelectronics; Ghazi Sarwat Syed, IBM Research Europe–Zurich; Harish Bhaskaran, University of Oxford

    In this tutorial, participants will gain invaluable insights into the latest breakthroughs in phase-change materials (PCMs) technology, covering topics from materials development to embedded phase-change memories and the exciting frontier of optical computing. By attending, participants will not only stay abreast of cutting-edge developments but also gain a comprehensive understanding of PCM's pivotal role in shaping the future of computing.

  • Dec
    December 01, 2024

    Tutorial EL08—Diamond Surfaces for Advanced Electronic and Quantum Applications

    Sunday, December 1
    1:30 pm – 5:00 pm

    Instructors: Chia-Liang Cheng, National Dong Hwa University; Hiroshi Kawarada, Waseda University; Dominik Bucher, Technische Universität München; Aldona Mzyk, Technical University of Denmark

    This tutorial will explore the tailored design of diamond surfaces to enable advanced electronic and quantum technologies.

  • Dec
    December 01, 2024

    Tutorial NM01—An Introduction to Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Separations and Optical Characterization

    Sunday, December 1
    1:30 pm – 5:00 pm

    Instructor: Jeffrey Fagan, National Institute of Standards and Technology

    In this tutorial, the instructor will present an overview of the many single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) separation methods developed for isolating particular sub-populations of nanotubes through liquid-phase processing of SWCNT dispersions.  These will include separation by species (chirality), length, general purity, and even enantiomeric handedness of a single (n,m) structure.  Methods for optical characterization of achieved separations will also be presented in detail.

  • Dec
    December 01, 2024

    Tutorial QT04—Fundamentals of Molecular Quantum Systems

    Sunday, December 1
    1:30 pm – 5:00 pm

    Instructor: Arzhang Ardavan, University of Oxford

    The central objective for the tutorial will be to introduce graduate students and researchers from a chemistry or materials science background to some of the physics they will encounter in the symposium “Molecular Quantum Systems."

  • Dec
    December 01, 2024

    Tutorial SB13—Design and Testing Considerations for Next-Generation Materials for Extreme Environments

    Sunday, December 1
    1:30 pm – 5:00 pm

    Instructors: Adam Printz, The University of Arizona; Ian R. Sellers, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York; Bibhudutta Rout, University of North Texas; Ahmad R. Kirmani, Rochester Institute of Technology

    This tutorial encompass understanding mechanical properties in soft materials, thermal stability in space optoelectronics, radiation testing principles, and the design considerations for ultralight barrier layers in space applications.

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