About MRS

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature



MRS Members are highly encouraged to participate in the election of MRS officers and board members. Elections are typically held in the third quarter of each calendar year, and officers and board members begin their terms on January 1 of the following year. 

The MRS Board of Directors is the highest governing body of the Materials Research Society, responsible for establishing policy, monitoring progress of the society toward its long-term goals and setting the strategic directions for the major activities of the society, including its meetings, publications, interactions with government agencies and cooperative efforts with other professional societies throughout the world.

The Board is composed of four elected Officers (president, immediate past president, vice president and secretary), and between 12 to 21 Directors, established by Board resolution. A fifth Officer (treasurer) is appointed by the Board for a three-year term.

Takao Someya

Takao Someya

2024 MRS President

2024 Election » NOW OPEN!

The 2024 MRS election of officers and directors is now open and will close August 22, 2024 at 5:00 pm ET. It is an online election, conducted by an independent service provider. If you prefer to cast a paper ballot, please contact Michelle Judt, or call 724.779.2714.

When the election opens, each MRS member who is in good standing as of July 2, 2024 and has a valid email address on file will receive an email from “YesElections” containing personal access codes and instructions for logging into the election website to vote. We encourage you to take necessary steps to ensure your spam filter is set up to accept this email. Although the ballot and voting will take place on our service provider’s website, candidate biographies and statements are available below.

Members who do not have a valid email address on record will receive the information by mail. If your contact information has changed in the last year, you are encouraged to update it on the MRS website.



What to Know

Opens: August 1, 2024
Closes: August 22, 2024, 5 pm ET

MRS Members in good standing will receive an email from "YesElections" containing voting instructions

If you do not have a valid email address, you will receive voting instructions by mail

Please make sure your contact information is up-to-date

Candidates for Vice President



Nerissa Draeger

Nerissa Draeger
Lam Research



Young-Chang Joo

Young-Chang Joo
Seoul National University



Candidates for the Board of Directors



Zakaria Al Balushi

Zakaria Al Balushi
University of California, Berkeley



Derya Baran

Derya Baran
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology



Ion Bita

Ion Bita



Joshua Caldwell

Joshua Caldwell
Vanderbilt University



Lane Martin

Lane Martin
Rice University/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory



Izabela Szlufarska

Izabela Szlufarska
University of Wisconsin - Madison



Ashley White

Ashley White
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory