Meetings & Events

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature


32nd International Materials Research Congress

August 18-23, 2024 | Cancún, México








A core mission of the Materials Research Society is to promote leading-edge research on materials around the world.  The Materials Research Society (MRS) and the Sociedad Mexicana de Materiales (SMMater) are excited to be working together on this global effort by growing the International Materials Research Congress (IMRC) held annually in Cancún, Mexico.

For more information, please visit the  official site.


MRS Session

Essentials of Getting Your Work Published
August 19, 2024
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
JW Marriott, Chichen Itza I & II

Moderator: Eileen M. Kiley, MRS Director of Programs 
Speakers: David F. Bahr, Editor-in-Chief, MRS Advances; Alan J. Hurd, Editorial Advisory Board, MRS Energy & Sustainability

Whether you are a student preparing to publish your first paper, an early-career researcher hoping to polish your publishing skills, or just have questions about the publishing process, this interactive how-to session is for you.  Learn the fundamentals of successful scientific publishing from MRS journal editors.  Not only are they leading researchers in their field, but they share a dedication to high-quality content, editorial integrity and scientific scholarship.


Symposia Listing

A. Energy & Harvesting Materials
B. Environmental and Green Materials
C. Materials for Quantum Technologies
D. Two Dimensional Materials, Materials with Low-Dimensionality and Hybrid Nanomaterials 
E. Biomaterials and Soft Materials
F. Materials Characterization

G. Multifunctional Materials, Properties and Manufacturing 
H. Special Symposia 

Meeting Chairs

Catherine Dubourdieu, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany
Dr. Felice Torrisi, Imperial College London, UK
Dr. Juan Munoz Saldana, Cinvestav In Queretaro, Mexico
Dr. Israel Betancourt, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico 

Plenary Speakers

Yury Gogotsi, Drexel University 
Naomi Halas, Rice University 
Rama Vasudevan, Oak Ridge National Laboratory 
Thomas Schrefl, Danube University Krems

Publishing Information

MRS Advances is the publication of record for the International Materials Research Congress (IMRC) 2024. As part of the strategic collaboration between SMMater and the Materials Research Society, MRS has published IMRC content since 2009. All IMRC 2024 presenters will be provided information about submitting to MRS Advances, including deadlines, manuscript preparation, and other journal details. MRS Advances is indexed in Scopus and Web of Science, among others, and will receive a Journal Impact Factor in the summer of 2024. Previously published IMRC content can be found at